Register now for our meet-up at MWS on June 10, 2024 in Berlin


The CCSUBS group invites you to a meet-up at the Media Web Symposium (MWS) 2024.

Interoperability challenges in live captioning and subtitling for streaming
June 10, 2024, from 16:30 to 18:30 (local time)
Fraunhofer FOKUS, Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31, 10589 Berlin, Germany

Register today. Space is limited and registration closes on May 29, 2024.

The subtitling and captioning ecosystem remains fragmented by technology and practices. This makes it expensive, if not impossible, to deliver great experiences. This event will bring together content providers, service providers and product vendors to explore these challenges.

This event is a follow-up to our meet-up at NAB 2024 and is intended for stakeholders that could not make it to NAB. We will report on the discussions and conclusions of the meet-up at NAB 2024 and gather feedback from the participants on the topics of live subtitling and captioning as well as on quality measurement of subtitles.

We ask the participants not to disclose publicly the discussions held during the meet-up.

Thanks to Fraunhofer FOKUS and our sponsor Netflix there is no registration fee. The meet-up is co-located with the Media Web Symposium (MWS) (a separate registration is required for attendance at the MWS).

Please contact the event chairs Pierre-Anthony Lemieux and Andreas Tai with any question.

The meet-up is kindly supported and sponsored by: